So this entire week I've been having this random mix of emotions that have been going through my head. I think it's partly my hormones raging and trying to get back on track after the surgery and partly me just being me.
- Frustration - Due to the fact that I'm still waiting for my next period to start and then waiting another cycle to try to conceive again. Then possibly waiting cycle after cycle after cycle for a bfp and then maybe never getting a bfp. I keep thinking when do we start IVF, when do we start looking into adoption. Do we have enough money saved? I'm driving myself nuts. I just want to start these cycles again and I just want things to work!
- Anticipation - That maybe this last surgery fixed my issue. Dr. C said in the last support group that endo eliminates a beta 3 protein that is necessary for implantation and when lap surgery removes endo the beta 3 is immediately restored. So will having the beta 3 restored and the septum removed fix our implantation problem. I don't know, but I'm in anticipation to start trying again to find out. Dr. A told me to have patience though, we could need several cycles for this to work again. I need to find this patience!
- Guilt - I feel like I've shut down a lot the last few years since I've been dealing with this. To be honest it's just really hard to deal with and talk about. It's not that I'm angry at anyone or I don't care but I deal better alone. To be honest pregnancy announcements anymore make me so depressed. I feel bad because sometimes it's even hard at family functions because I'm the only one without children. It's not that I don't love my nieces and nephews, but it's hard to watch everyone interact with their children and desire so bad to have that interaction. To be honest I feel like I don't fit in anymore at family events, I feel alone and it's hard. I feel left behind and like a failure. "The one that can't bring children into the family." I think some relatives get angry and feel like I cut myself off. They can't understand the way I feel and nor do I expect them to, but sometimes I wish they'd at least try to look at things in my perspective just a little. I know it's not healthy to deal with this all alone and this support group is my first step on getting back out there and dealing with this
- Depression - My heart aches with the desire to become a mother. I can't stand the fact of this never happening. And me being the planner that I am plays out every what-if scenario in my head. What-if we go to IVF and that doesn't work, what-if we can't go through with adoption, what if we do adoption and noone chooses us. C has to bring me back down to earth and reassure me that we will have a child one way or another and I need to stop overthinking every situation. I'm so glad he does this because it makes me feel so much better.