Finally Pregnant!

Lilypie Maternity tickers

IF History

December 2003 - First Hysteroscopy - Bicornuate Uterus Discovered

January 2007 - Ditched the BCP for the first time

November 2007 - HSG - Tubes Clear - BU Confirmed - (Update February 2011 - Wait or is it a Septate Uterus)

July 2008 - First Laproscopy - Endometrioma removed from right ovary and mild endo removed

August 2008 - Stopped TTC, back on BCP

August 2010 - Ditched the BCP again

December 2010 - First Appointment with RE

December 2010 - Begin Fertility Meds - Femara 5 mg/Ovidrel Shot/TI - 2 Mature Follicles - Negative

January 2011 - Femara 5 mg/Ovidrel Shot/Progesterone Supp/IUI - 5 Mature Follicles - Negative

February 2011 - Femara 5 mg/Ovidrel Shot/IUI/Prog Level 60.1 (No Supp) - 3 Mature Follicles - Negative

March 2011 - On a Break from Fertility Meds/Possible Chemical Pregnancy

April 2011 - Hysteroscopy/Laproscopy/Septum Resection on April 8th - Removal of Uterine Septum to correct septate uterus.  Bicornuate Uterus also confirmed.  Removal of Stage I Endometriosis from ovaries.

May 2011 - Femara 5 mg/Ovidrel Shot/IUI - 3 Mature Follicles - BFP - Beta 161 on 6/18/2011 (14 dpiui)

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers