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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

10 Day You Challenge

I saw this challenge on another blog and thought it would be fun to try!

So today is Ten Secrets about Me:

1.  My IF is a secret to most people, I don't share this blog with anyone I personally know and am somewhat embarrassed that I'm having fertility problems.  I feel like a failure and less of a person because I haven't been able to have children yet and don't know if I ever can.
2.  I started off as a pre-pharmacy major in college and then switched to business.  I really regret that decision and wish I could go back and do something different with my life.  I would really like to go back to school and change my career.
3.  I treat my dog like a person.  I sing to her and make up songs about her.  I secretly hope I can raise my children as well as I did my dog, because she is pretty awesome!
4.  I'm starting to embrace my infertility journey.  I think it is helping me to connect with God on a different level.  I also am meeting some amazing people through this experience and truly believe God is sending us on this journey for a reason.  Someone said to me on a message board today "Thank you for your comment.  It reminds me that I'm not alone."  That comment really touched my heart because I know how alone I have felt.  To me, making someone else feel not alone makes me realize I've achieved a different success and makes me happy.
5.  I'm terrified of adopting right now.  I really want to be able to control my child's pre-natal care and adoption scares me because I won't have control of what my child is exposed to before in my care.
6.  I was in an extremely emotionally and verbally abusive marriage before meeting and marrying my love.  Most people do not know how emotionally abused I was.  That marriage ending was the best thing in life that ever happened to me and I'm so thankful God found my way out of that.  It took some counseling to recover and honestly I could have used more.  I'm so thankful for the relationship I'm in now and know how it feels to be truly loved. 
7.  I don't miss my abusive marriage but I miss some of the friendships I had prior.  I lost a lot of friendships with my marriage ending.  I had to learn the hard way who my true friends were and most importantly who weren't my true friends.  I still have trust issues because of this.
8.  I'm back on facebook but it really annoys me at times.  I like my support group in facebook that's why I use it.  But honestly fb can be a difficult and cruel world at times. 
9.  I tried to give up caffeine but I can't.  I'm addicted to it and need it to get through the day.  I especially love coffee.
10.  I would love to live in another city.  Ohio really bores me and I think it would be so exciting for C & I to move somewhere else.  I would love a fresh start and the adventure of us learning about and living in a new town.  One that is not so far but maybe at max 5 - 6 hours from home so we can still come visit on weekends.

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